TRIBUTE BY J. K. ANANG & FAMILY Excellent Virtuous Amazing Sister Eva, our ever admirable, adorable, kind-hearted and loving sister. The news of your demise has left us in despair. We cannot find words to describe how we feel about your sudden departure. We go way back and our friendship is not because we worked together but because of your pleasant personality, affable and kind nature made it easy for everyone to call you sister and not just a friend. You were approachable to everyone both the young and old. You always welcomed all to your home and showed your Christ-like self to everyone. My family’s wellbeing meant so much to you. You were Always ready to advice and counsel anyone who came to you with the family or marriage problem. Sister Eva, who are we going to with our family issues? How could you have left all your mothers behind? We cannot question God about this because the Bible says in all things we should give thanks to God. Sister Eva, you have fought a good fight and finished your race, now a crown awaits you in heaven and I know God will reward you a faithful steward. You are gone but we shall never forget you. Memories shared with you are safely kept in our hearts. We will forever miss your charming smile and great sense of humour. May your soul rest in peace till we meet again. Yaa w) odjogban y3 w) Nunts) l3 mling. Jacob