Tribute to Auntie Eva by Nicholina Badu- Kotei For none of us lives for himself only, none of us dies for himself only. If we live it is for the Lord that we live and if we die it is for the Lord that we die. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Roman's 14:7-8 The news of the sudden death of my beloved Church mother, Auntie, friend, counselor and mentor Auntie Eva, came as a shock but I take consolation in the fact that the Almighty God knows best. Memories of the first time we met at the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (P. C. G) Epiphany Congregation, Kaajaano keep tuning through my mind. You sat beside me, greeted me with a loving and infectious smile, then you wrote your name on a piece of paper.. I am Eva Sai. In return, I took out a sheet of paper I had my notes on in my Bible, turned the back, wrote my name and showed it to you. From that day we became very good friends which extended to my family and have remained so until you were invited to join our Maker to be among the heavenly hosts. You were such a kind heartered, loving and generous person. When I encounteredyou in my life., you took upon yourself my mother's role to give me motherly advice when I most needed some and you were of good counsel. Your exit from this world has robbed me of the intelligent pieces of advice I would have received from you. I would forever miss you. Fare thee well Auntie Eva. Sleep well in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ till we meet again before our Maker. Maa, my good friend, may the the Lord bless you and keep you and give you eternal rest. Yaa wo ojogbaan When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows rolk: Whatever my lot, Thou hast thought me to know, It is well, it is well with my soul. (Refrain) It is well, With my soul, with my soul,. It is well, it is well with my soul. Amen