Fred & Juliana 10th January 2021

Eva, Maamioo, as we always greeted one another. I first met Eva through my husband, Fred Attram in the early eighties, and straight away, knew we were going to be good friends and so it was. In January 2020, before leaving Ghana back to London we met and had our usual lunch meeting, Not knowing that was going to be our last meeting. Eva was one of our greatest family friends, she was reliable and extremely supportive. It came as a shock to us when Paa Kwesi announced your passing. Maamioo, you have gone forever. We cannot comprehend the reality of your passing, but we understand that the Almighty knows best and that you are resting in his arms looking down on your children, family and friends. May his angels guide you and protect you to your eternal home. We will always hold you dearly in our hearts. We will miss you so much, Farewell our dear friend, May you rest in perfect peace. From Fred and Juliana Attram