Sidney 9th January 2021

TRIBUTE TO SISTER EVA SAI FROM TARRY SESSION OF EPIPHANY CONGREGATION, KAAJAANO. “For me to live is Jesus To die is gain in Him, To Him my life belongs now In peace I shall depart” PH 777 Verse 1 Members of the Tarry Prayer Session received the news of Aunty Eva Sai’s death with shock and disbelieve since she was with us on 2nd December, 2020. She sat at the back, her usual place observing proceedings. Since Tarry resumed meetings after the lockdown, Sister Eva has been absent. After one of the meeting days, some of her peers called her on phone and chatted with her and she said, she has not been too well but hoped to join us soon. And she did, but that happened to be her last meeting with us. As was her practice she dropped a member on her way home, she also chatted with neighbours on the way. This charming lady, humble, gentle, kind, friendly and sociable dealt with each one of us equally with broad smiles. She was a leader, teacher, encourager and speaker on several themes. Her presentations were well researched, educative, lively and always urged all to contribute during the discussion time. She was regular and punctual. We wish the Lord would wake up Aunty Eva to come and continue her good works just as it happened to Dorcas, the believer in the Bible who was raised by Apostle Peter because of the kind and good works. We are however consoled that she will be raised up on the Resurrection morning with all the faithful departed. Fare thee well, Sis Eva, we believe that you have left us with the PH 777 Verse 2 which says “In joy I leave you all here With Jesus I shall be I shall be with my dear friend Forever be with Him” Rest in perfect peace in the bosom of the Lord whom you loved and served most. Sleep well in the Lord.