Meghan 3rd January 2021

TRIBUTE TO OUR DEAREST GRANDMA As the architect of the family, Grandma Eva remains the most incredible role model to us as a friend, a believer and most importantly a grandmother. As the most caring person we knew, our bond is one thing which we will forever be grateful for as it allowed us to be transparent and share moments that we all cherished. One of our last messages included the fact that the sweetest moment in life comes not with the greetings you receive but with the thought that someone wishes the best for you everyday. We are grateful to have all your well wishes and prayers and we will always value those sweet moments. Although our hearts ache, you have left us with all of your love and support that is unconditional and transcends death. We thank God for your life that you filled with love, laughter and life. We are so grateful for having the blessing of being your grandchildren and we aspire to live up to the standards you left for us and know that you live through us. We can’t wait to continuously make you proud. Love Meghan and Hayley