Sidney 31st December 2020

TRIBUTE BY THE MEN’S FELLOWSHIP OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GHANA, EPIPHANY CONGREGATION, KAAJAANO. “Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel feet have trod. With its crystal tide forever. Flowing by the throne of God? Yes, we’ll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river. Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God.” PH 808 VS 1 It is with heavy heart and sorrow as we gather to say good bye to Mad. Eva Oboshie Sai, a loving sister in Christ, a devout Christian, counsellor and an advisor par excellence. Auntie Eva as we members of the Men’s Fellowship and most congregants called her had been a resource person of the Fellowship for over a decade and lectured us on many topics notable amongst them are table manners, social etiquettes, death and future life etc. she was an eloquent speaker and delivered her speech meticulously and spiced same with humor. She was ready to impart wisdom and knowledge to us as a Fellowship, she enjoys working behind the scenes. She and eight other distinguished ladies and gentlemen were appointed Patrons of the Fellowship and they were inducted into office on Sunday 27th March 2018, ever since her appointment as a patron Auntie Eva rededicated her energy and resource for the welfare and upliftment of the Fellowship not only at the local, but at a District level as well. Mad. Eva Sai was very supportive in the formation of the Kaajaano District Men’s Fellowship during her tenure as the District CLAN Director. She was “jolly good fellow’, with a loving spirit and always wore a friendly smile which attracted many to her, she never wanted to hurt anyone and so she was very cautious about her utterances and actions. Indeed she had left a void that will be difficult to fill, we are truly thankful to God for placing her in the life of the Epiphany Men’s Fellowship. Auntie Eva, you have finished your assignment on earth and now awaiting you is the crown of life, all that we can say for now is: Farewell, loved one. You have been called by God He welcomes you back home. Here we do mourn, Your death is hard to bear But we have hope in God We weep not like those who have no hope Farewell, loved one. P.H. 805 VS 1 Rest in the Lord.