Sidney 31st December 2020

TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF SISTER EVA OBOSHIE SAI BY THE EPIPHANY WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP KAAJAANO MH 679 Sister Eva Sai was a member of the " Cana Class" of the Women's Fellowship of the Presbyterian Church , Epiphany Congregation. The second and third verses of the hymn " Pleasant are thy Courts above" aptly describes her contribution to the Church, Fellowship and her Christian walk as a whole. A woman of a quiet, gentle, pleasant and charming spirit, sister Eva also offered her God - honouring stewardship in areas like Bible Studies, Counselling sessions,general counselling and guidance to both young and old and personally financed and supported certain activities. She rendered service outside the Epiphany Congregation to Shiashie as District Director of Church Life and Nurture and to Apenkwa to share the word of God. For almost 7 years since your return from Abroad, your total commitment and dedication to the Women's Fellowship and the Epiphany Congregation as a whole has been remarkable. Aside your devoted service and upkeep of your "elderly ladies" at home you made it a point to be present for all Church activities and you were always punctual. Always an encourager , peacemaker, cheerleader and pace setter you told us to be each others keeper " checking the backs" of our sisters. You will be sorely missed. Your departure has created a vacuum in our Church and in our individual lives. SUOLO KPAKPA EVA,HEJOLE AHAO.NUNTSO LE KEBO AHISHI